Here are the basic steps to connect your Yealink Device to the TelTel Network.
Step 1: Gather information for each extension
Each extension has a set of credentials which will be needed to configure each handset. For each device that you are configuring, obtain the following from the VoIP Portal PBX extensions section:
Extension Username > (Register Username) Display Name > (Name) Authentication Name > (Register Username) Authentication Password > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Password copied from PBX extension page in the Voip Portal)
Step 2: Factory Reset your Yealink Phone
If your phone has been used with another provider in the past, please factory reset it before continuing. To do so, hold OK for about 8 seconds, until you see the ‘Reset to Factory?‘ prompt, then press OK.
Step 3: Log into your device through a web browser
To configure the Yealink T4 Series to your TelTel account, first retrieve the IPAddress so that you can log into the ‘Web Configuration’ via your computer.
To do this, the press the ‘OK’ button in the middle of the D-Pad. The IP Address should show up in the Status Page. Enter The IP Address into your web browser.
Once you are on the Web Configuration page enter the username and password. By default the username will be ‘admin’ and the Password will be ‘admin’.
Step 4: Enter in the Extension details collected in step one
Once you have successfully logged in, click on the ‘Account’ tab across the top.
Fill in the highlighted fields below, copying the Register Username, Extension Password and SIP Proxy from the configure PBX Extension dialog:
Username >(Register Username) Display Name > Extension Name Authentication Name > (Register Username) Authentication Password > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Password copied from PBX extension page in the Voip Portal) Register Address > Register Port > 5060 Proxy Server Port > 5060
(See example Below ↓ )
Now that the lines have been configured, you will now want to set the time zone and time format,
which can be done under the top ‘Settings’ tab, and then the ‘Time and Date’ button on the left.At this point, the phone should be ready to go.