Overview - FreePBX/Asterisk Queues Module

Queues allow you to have calls hold while on another call.
You can also give callers an option to use an IVR break out menu or request a queue callback.

Set up automatic call distribution with the Queues module

1. Go to ApplicationsQueues → Click the Add Queue button. You should now be viewing the General Settings tab.

2. Type a Queue Number. This number will be used to dial into the queue or to transfer callers to the queue. Be sure it does not match any existing extensions or feature codes.

3. Type a Queue Name that will help you identify this Queue.

4. At the bottom of the General Settings section, choose a Fail Over Destination. This is where callers will be sent in case the queue is over capacity, the caller reaches wait time limits with no one answering the call, etc.

5. Click on the Caller Announcements tab to set up announcements that callers will hear. You can choose whether the system should tell callers their position in line and/or their estimated hold time.

You can also give callers an option to use an IVR break out menu or request a queue callback.

6. Click Submit button

7. Click the Apply Config button.